
The Athlete Is Not Just A Machine

Psychological Health

Many organizations support the physical, emotional and psychological needs of athletes. This website will serve to provide education about athlete mental health, highlight organizations who have a role is supporting athlete mental health, and create a forum for news, research and hot topics in sport mental health.


Physical Health

This resource will target all professionals who support athletes from different dimensions- including all facets of physical and mental health. Professionals from any background can become aware of mental health struggles of the athletes they support—and this resource can provide information about how to find mental health professionals, about mental health considerations as it applies to the athlete population, and stay up to date about hot topics in the world of the athlete.

Relationship difficulties and philosophical differences

Between athletes, coaches, and parents can also create challenges that need to be addressed. Athletes may experience mental illnesses that are unrelated to their sport or become unwell due to sport-related factors (e.g. pressure, stress, injury, concussion, performance, retirement).
